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Available Online

Chakra Healing Group Program

Promote an optimum environment to heal your body, mind, and Spirit.

100 US dollars
Zoom and in-person in Bellmore and Kingston NY

Course Description

There are many modalities that support your self-healing. Working with the Chakras can create a powerful and meaningful result. As you peel away your. past traumas, losses and. blocks, your chakras balance, clear, and heal. This promotes an optimum environment to heal your body, mind, and Spirit. Chakra imbalances can cause mental and emotional issues which, left untreated, may eventually manifest as physical illnesses. Your biology is affected by your biography. As we release the effects of past events that we are still hanging on to, our present moment becomes healthier and happier. You actually will respond differently to everyday issues that would normally depress or cause anxiety and stress. You may enjoy a healthier body, lose unwanted weight, rejuvenate, energize and have longer periods of peace and happiness. Our mindful meditations and healing circles focus on two chakras per weekly meeting. In these circles, we will discuss the properties of each chakra, their vibrational frequencies as they correspond to color and musical tones, their location, and the issues that may be affected by each unbalanced chakra. We will enjoy releasing the past to create a better present moment and healing. Our goal is to release pain, and stress and enjoy a more meaningful life as your intentions improve your life force energy and quality of life. Balancing your chakras empowers you and helps to improve your self-esteem as well. Learn and practice self-healing with guided imagery, chakra balancing, and the vibrational tones that affect each cell in a positive way. We will use color, sound, crystal and flower wisdom, guided imagery, reiki energy, and your own intentions. In addition to this workshop, private appointments are also available for those who wish to go even deeper as well as weekly guided imagery meditations with sound healing in a group setting on zoom. Payment is due by the start of the course. An email will be sent to you with payment details.

Contact Lorry


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